Monday, February 7, 2011

Where to go, What to do?

If you're like me, finishing up with school and trying to find a job in a city that best fits your needs (that would include a film industry), maybe this can help you out.

It seems like if you wanted to get into the film industry, you have two choices: New York City or Las Angeles. This is not neccessarily true. Although NYC and LA are still making movies, there are other places on the rise in the US, and Canada for that matter, that are getting bigger and bigger as we speak. Why? Well one reason is for sure: tax incentives. Or in other words, a tax break for filmmakers.

I found a website that gives a state by state breakdown of where the taxes lie. It is always possible however that these numbers have already changed and been updated with the economic turn. Here is the link::

I bet you wont believe this: Louisiana is the premier state for film and television making because of these tax incentives. This satate also offers a diverse landscape and several cities and historical areas that can be nicely caught on film in within a reasonable distance.

So next time your thinking about where to move, think about the market that is going on in that are and how it could affect you, and do some research on where that market could be heading in the near and distant future.

A few more good sites that can help with your research::::

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